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The Academic Herald

Solemn Inauguration of lecture series named after Dr. von Feigenblatt (August 5, Mexico, City)

The Interuniversity Lecture Series "Dr. Otto Federico von Feigenblatt for Peace, Development, and Education" was established on August 5, 2022 by the CUGS University of Mexico and a group of international universities and academies to promote the dissemination of knowledge about the nexus between peace, development, and education. With a secretariat at the headquarters of CUGS University and chaired by the university's rector, the Interuniversity Lecture Series was named in honor of the renowned social scientist and diplomat, Dr. Otto Federico von Feigenblatt, for his contribution to interdisciplinary research. The inauguration ceremony was chaired by the Rector of CUGS University and it was attended by university authorities, faculty members, and students. Held at the main auditorium of the University in the City of Mexico, the event was broadcast live and it included a classical music concert as well as five academic presentations. One of the keynote speakers was H.E. Dr. Hernán Alejandro Olano García, Rector of the Institución Universitaria Colegios de Colombia Unicoc (Bogotá, Colombia). Dr. Olano Garcia's lecture focused on the Indian Nobility of the Americas. Dr. Stephen Murray Kiernan, Secretary of the National Academy of History and Geography of Mexico delivered a brief lecture about the importance of education in public policy. Presentations included academics from Puerto Rico, Mexico, Colombia, Costa Rica, and the United States.

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