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Program, Photos, and Video of the Hispanic Month Education Forum of the House of Feigenblatt, Miami, Florida (October 8, 2024)

Updated: Oct 20

Hispanic Month Education Forum of the House of Feigenblatt (Miami, Florida)

Chair: His Excellency Ambassador Otto Federico von Feigenblatt, M.A., Ph.D., Ed.D., A.L.M., Knight of the Royal Order of Isabella the Catholic, and Andean Parliament Special Envoy for Education


- The House of Feigenblatt

- The “Ambassador Otto Federico von Feigenblatt” Interuniversity Lecture Series for Peace, Development, and Education

- The International Educational Administration Chair of the Catholic University of Murcia

- The Office of the Andean Parliament Special Envoy for Education

October 8, 2024

From 5 PM to 9 PM EST

Place: The Consular Lounge, Miami International Airport

Master of Ceremonies: Mr. Miguel Angel Alava, Private Secretary of the Feigenblatt House

Tentative Program:

5 PM – 5:10 PM Welcome from the Chair, Ambassador Otto Federico von Feigenblatt

Anthem of the United States

House Hymn

5:30 – 6 PM Recognition Ceremony


6 PM – 6:15 PM Honorable Zolanda Pluas, President of the Education Commission of the Legislative Assembly of Ecuador

Title: Strengthening for a Quality, Inclusive and Competitive Education in Ecuador

6:15 PM – 6:25 PM Lina Rodas, Academic Dean, Latin Division, Keiser University

6:25 PM – 6:35 PM Emilia Gazel, Rector of Universidad Fidelitas, Costa Rica

6:35 PM – 6:45 PM Dra. Ana Cucurella, presidenta de Caribbean University, Puerto Rico

Break: 6:45 – 7PM

7 – 7:10 PM Dr. Olga Lucia Ostos, Scientific Director of the Institute of Liberal Thought of Colombia

7:10 -7:20 PM Dr. Fidel Marquez, Collar Member of the House of Feigenblatt

7:20 – 7:30 PM Dr. Damarys Valera, Superintendent, Puerto Rico Department of Education

7:30 – 7:40 PM Dr. Angel Toledo, Full Professor, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico and former Undersecretary of Education of Puerto Rico

7:40 – 7:50 PM Lilia Batista, Deputy Panama, President of the Education Commission of the National Assembly of Panama

7:50- 7:55 PM Rosangela Otero Diaz, Doctoral Candidate, Keiser University

Title: La educación y la tecnología

7:55 – 8:10 PM Coffee Break

8:10 – 8:30 PM Forum on the Future of Education moderated by Ambassador Otto Federico von Feigenblatt

Panelists: Dr. Ana Cucurella, Javier Herrera, Dr. Ángel Toledo, Greivin Arrieta, Benjamin Deyurre, Dr. Mathew J. Anderson, President of the Latin American Campus of Keiser University

8:30 - 8:40 PM Professor Dr. Ricardo Martins, President of the Pedago Group of Portugal and Collar Member of the House of Feigenblatt

8:40 - 8:50 PM Dr. Mathew J. Anderson, President of the Keiser University's Latin American Campus

Title: The Future of Education

Closing of the Forum by Ambassador Otto Federico von Feigenblatt

8:40 – 9:30 PM Networking y Cocktail Reception

Link to rsvp:

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