Ambassador Otto Federico von Feigenblatt Interuniversity Lecture Series
for Peace, Development, and Education
About the Lecture Series: The Interuniversity Lecture Series "Ambassador Otto Federico von Feigenblatt for Peace, Development, and Education" was established on August 5, 2022 by the CUGS University of Mexico and a group of international universities and academies to promote the dissemination of knowledge about the nexus between peace, development, and education. With a secretariat at the headquarters of CUGS University and chaired by the university's rector, the Interuniversity Lecture Series was named in honor of the renowned social scientist and diplomat, Ambassador Otto Federico von Feigenblatt, for his contribution to interdisciplinary research. The two main activities of the Lecture Series are the organization of academic conferences in different countries and conducting interdisciplinary research.
High Patron: His Excellency Ambassador Otto Federico von Feigenblatt, Ph.D., Ed.D.
President: His Excellency Professor José Fernando García García, Rector of CUGS University
Vice President: Dr. Jesús Estupiñán Ricardo
Director for Portugal and Spain: Dr. Luis Gregorio Holguín Galarón
Universities and Institutions related to the Interuniversity Lecture Series "Ambassador Otto Federico von Feigenblatt for Peace, Development, and Education":
CUGS University of Mexico
National Academy of History and Geography of Mexico
Instituto Superior de Ciencias Educativas do Douro (Portugal)
Institución Universitaria Colegios de Colombia UNICOC (Colombia)
Journal of Alternative Perspectives in the Social Sciences (Estados Unidos de América)
Journal of Asia Pacific Studies (Estados Unidos de América)
International Academy of Social Sciences (United States of America)
Academy of Odontological Sciences of Spain (Madrid, Spain)
Transformation in Violent Times Foundation (San Jose, Costa Rica)
Instituto Superior de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo (Portugal)
Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana - Núcleo del Guayas (Ecuador)
Catholic University of San Antonio of Murcia (Spain)
Andean Parliament (Colombia)
Royal Academy of Doctors of Spain (Madrid, Spain)
Yacambu University (Venezuela)
Instituto Superior de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo (Portugal)
Instituto Superior de Ciencias Educativas do Douro (Portugal)
Royal Academy of Medicine of the Basque Country (Spain)
Universidad de Santo Tomas, Colombia
Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo, Ecuador
Unidad Educativa Particular Bilingüe Liceo Panamericano (Ecuador)
Caribbean University (Puerto Rico)
Federación Iberoamericana de Comunicación Interna (FIDECI) (Argentina)
National Academy of History and Geography of Mexico (Mexico)
Academia Patriótica Nacional Antonio Nariño (Colombia)
Camilo Jose Cela University (Spain)
Southampton Education School, University of Southampton (United Kingdom)
University of Guayaquil (Ecuador)
Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes (Ecuador)
Asociación Latinoamericana de Ciencias Neutrosóficas (ALCN) (Ecuador)
Municipality of Salinas, Ecuador
Fundación para la Integración y Desarrollo de América Latina (FIDAL) (Ecuador)
Universidad Estatal de Bolívar (Ecuador)
Universidad Península de Santa Elena (Ecuador)
Universidad Laica “Eloy Alfaro” de Manabí (Ecuador)
Instituto Superior Universitario Bolivariano de Tecnología del Ecuador
Institución Universitaria Colegios de Colombia
Universidad Central of Colombia
Fundación Universitaria Cafam (Colombia)
Universidad de San Buenaventura (Colombia)
Embassy of the Republic of Haiti to Colombia
Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia (Colombia)
Universidad Empresarial de la Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá (Colombia)
Universidad Incca de Colombia (UNINCCA)
Universidad Sergio Arboleda (Colombia)
Ed&TIC Research Center (Colombia)
Fellows and Associate Fellows of the Interuniversity Lecture Series
Dr. Joaquín Goyache Goñi, President of Complutense University of Madrid (September, 2022)
Dr. Antonio Bascones Martinez, President of the Royal Academy of Doctors of Spain (September, 2022)
Dr. Javier Arranceta, President of the Royal Academy of Medicine of the Basque Country (September, 2022)
The Honorable Yanira Raices Vegas, Secretary of Education of Puerto Rico (2023)
Mrs. Susan Andrea Rodríguez, Rector of the Incca University of Colombia (October, 2023)
Dr. Carl Langebaek, Rector of the Uniempresarial of Colombia (October, 2023)
Dr. Jorge Noguera Calderón, Rector of the Universidad Sergio Arboleda of Colombia (October, 2023)
Fray Álvaro José Arango Restrepo, Rector of the Universidad Santo Tomas of Colombia (October, 2023)
Dr. Jaime Arias, Former Minister of Education of Colombia and Rector of the Universidad Central (December, 2023)
Dr. Francisco Lopez, Vice Rector for Research, Camilo Jose Cela University of Spain (January, 2024)
H.E. Monsignor Luis Javier Argüello García, Archbishop of Valladolid, Spain (January, 2024)
H.E. Dr. Francisco González de Posada, Rector Emeritus of the University of Cantabria (January, 2024)
The Honorable Dr. Angel Toledo, Deputy Secretary of Education, Puerto Rico (January, 2024)
Dr. Hernán Arturo Rojas Sánchez, Rector of the Universidad Estatal de Bolívar (February, 2024)
Dr. Néstor Vicente Acosta Lozano, Rector of the Universidad Península de Santa Elena (February, 2024)
Dr. Marcos Tulio Zambrano Zambrano, Rector of the Universidad Laica “Eloy Alfaro” de Manabí (February, 2024)
Her Excellency Dr. Rosalía Arteaga Serrano, 39th President of the Republic of Ecuador (February, 2024)
Dr. Diana Margarita Pérez Camacho, Rector of UniCafam University of Colombia (February, 2024)
Dr. Paula López, Rector of Universidad Central of Colombia (February, 2024)
Dr. Susan Andrea Rodríguez, Rector of Incca University of Colombia (February, 2024)
Lieutenant Colonel Juan Camilo Vera Garzón, Director of the Military School of Engineers of Colombia (February, 2024)
Dr. Hernan Olano Garcia, Dean of the Faculty of Laws of Universidad Colegios de Colombia (February, 2024)
H.E. Jean Mary Exil, Ambassador of Haiti to Colombia (February, 2024)
H.E. Dr. Eduardo Chiliquinga Mazón, Secretary General of the Andean Parliament (February, 2024)