La Misionera Verbum Dei y Delegada de Pastoral Universitaria (Valladolid) , Soledad Losada Terrón, ha sido nombrada “asociada” de la prestigiosa Cátedra Interuniversitaria (Marzo, 2024)
The University of Southampton joins the "Ambassador Otto Federico von Feigenblatt" Lecture Series (March, 2024)
H.E. Ambassador Otto Federico von Feigenblatt made an official visit to the University of Southampton, United Kingdom (March, 2024)
“Building a sustainable future” published in high impact journal by three Fellows of the Interuniversity Lecture Series (March, 2024)
Universidad de los Andes joins the Interuniversity Lecture Series (February, 2024)
Universidad Sergio Arboleda of Colombia joins the Interuniversity Lecture Series (February, 2024)
Ambassador Otto Federico von Feigenblatt interviewed at UniCafam of Colombia (February, 2024)
Delegation of the Interuniversity Lecture Series makes official visit to the Vatican (February 2024)
Article about Immediacy and Sustainable Development published in high impact journal (indexed in SCOPUS) (February, 2024)
The Hispano-American Conference on Youth, Education, and Research held on the 20th and 21st of February in Bogota, Colombia was an impactful academic event (February 2024)
H.E. Dr. Eduardo Chiliquinga Mazón, Secretary General of the Andean Parliament, appointed Distinguished Fellow of the Interuniversity Lecture Series for Peace, Development, and Education (Feb, 2024)
Cafam University (UniCafam) joins the Interuniversity Lecture Series for Peace, Development, and Education (February, 2024)
Professor Dr. Ricardo Martins, President of the Pedago Group of Portugal, will be one of the keynote speakers at the North American Regional Forum (February, 2024)
Edición impresa de las Memorias del Primer Congreso Interuniversitario disponible en (Febrero, 2024)
H.E. Dr. Christian Padilla, Rector of the Universidad Politécnica de Juventino Rosas, will be one of the keynote speakers at the North American Regional Forum (February, 2024)
His Excellency Ambassador Otto Federico von Feigenblatt invited as a special guest by the Rector of Cafam University of Colombia (February, 2024)
Article titled "Immediacy and Sustainable Development: The Perspective of Youth" accepted for publication by the Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance (Indexed in SCOPUS) (February, 2024)
H.E. Dr. Antonio Bascones, President of the Royal Academy of Doctors will be one of the keynote speakers at the North American Regional Forum on Youth, Education, and Research (February, 2024)
"Youth and Education in Colombia", a new book published with the support of the Interuniversity Lecture Series (February, 2024)
H.E. Professor José Fernando García-García, Rector of CUGS University will be one of the keynote speakers at the North American Regional Forum on Youth, Education, and Research (February, 2024)
Miembro de Collar de la Casa Feigenblatt recibe condecoración de la Asamblea Nacional del Ecuador, Samborondón, Ecuador (Diciembre, 2024)
The Hispanic Forum on Sustainability of the House of Feigenblatt was held on the 13th of December in Madrid, Spain.